Centrifugal Spun Cast Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Column Specifications

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- Drawings, conditions of the contract and Division 1 Specifications sections, apply to work of this section.
- Section Includes: Structural Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Column. (Indicate if columns are to be factory split to be used as column covers.)
- Section 05120 — Structural Steel: Framing for attachment of fiberglass structural column.
- Section 06100 — Rough Carpentry: Framing of Opening and Blocking.
- Section 07900 — Joint sealants and field applied sealants.
- Column shaft shall be load bearing and consistent with the Order of Classical Architecture (Description of column style, smooth, fluted).
- Capital shall be consistent with the Tuscan Order of Classical Architecture.
- Base shall be consistent with the Tuscan Order of Classical Architecture.
- Ornamental Capitals (when applicable) shall be manufactured from the same manufacturer as the column shaft.
- Installed architectural fiberglass column and fastening systems shall be designed, engineered, fabricated, and installed to conform to the state codes, local codes, and the Architect’s design.
- Literature & Shop Drawings: Shall illustrate dimensions, materials, thickness, fabrications details, attachments, and anchorage to substrates.
- Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data and detailed installation instructions.
- Product Samples: Submit samples of manufacturing materials.
- Installation of column shafts, capital, and bases shall be according to manufacturer’s instructions.
- Columns shall be stored in the manufacturer’s packaging until ready for use. Except for damage caused by others, the installer is responsible for chipping, cracking, or other damage to fiberglass columns, after delivery to the jobsite and until installation is completed and inspected and approved by the Architect or owner’s representative.
- Capitals and bases shall be stored in the same manner as shafts.
- Carefully observe and verify field conditions that substrates are ready for installation of architectural fiberglass column. Contractor shall verify on site dimensions with shop drawings and assume full responsibility for fitting the components to the structure.
- Verify that bearing surfaces are true and level.
- Verify that support framing has been constructed to allow accurate placement, alignment, and connection of architectural fiberglass columns to structure.
- Report discrepancies between design dimensions and field dimensions, which could adversely affect installation, to the Architect and/or Owner’s Representative.
- Do not proceed with installation until discrepancies are corrected, or until installation requirements are modified and approved by the Architect and/or Owner’s Representative.
- Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions.
- Warrant architectural fiberglass fabrications to be free from defect due to materials and workmanship for one year.
- Architectural Fiberglass, Inc.
8300 Bessemer Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44127
Toll Free 1-888-483-1775
Phone 216-641-8300
Fax 216-641-8150
- Architectural Fiberglass, Inc.
- Column shafts shall be spun centrifugal-casted, fiberglass-reinforced polymer (FRP) Composite.
- Tuscan capitals shall be, polyurethane, or fiberglass-reinforced polymer. (Specify decorative capital if applicable.)
- Tuscan bases shall be fiberglass-reinforced polymer. (Specify Attic base if applicable.)
- Ornamental capitals shall be manufactured of fiberglass or other composite materials.
- Contractor to provide anchors and fasteners and other accessories for proper installation of architectural fiberglass fabrications as recommended and approved by fiberglass fabrication manufacturer.
- Install architectural fiberglass columns in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and approved shop drawings. If columns are split refer to shop drawings for repair and finishing of the joint.
- The position of the plinth must be determined by dropping a plumb line from the center of the soffit beam to floor. This point should be marked well on the floor.
- Measure the overall height. Raise the soffit or porch slightly and brace safely for later column placement.
- Measure length and if necessary, trim the shaft on the bottom only. Trim with an abrasive saw blade. Finish the top and bottom ends of the shaft with a rasp or sander to ensure an even load distribution around the shaft.
- Slide the capital (Tuscan/Roman Doric) over the neck and rest temporarily on the astragal until the shaft is in the proper position. Installation of decorative capitals other than Tuscan or Doric should be noted on shop drawings.
- Slide the base/plinth onto the shaft from the bottom.
- Stand column in a vertical position and slide into place where mark was made on the floor.
- Use small L brackets to hold the shaft to the floor and do not let the bracket interfere with the position of the base/plinth. (Note: use through bolts on the shaft, do not use screws.)
- Remove brace and allow load to rest on the column evenly. Secure top of shaft with L brackets similar to the bottom of the shaft.
- Slide capital up to soffit and attach using corrosion resistant screws. Attach the base to the flooring using masonry or appropriate fasteners. Fill holes with polyester body filler such as bondo.
- Apply sealant between the capital and the shaft, and the base and the shaft for a completed appearance. (Note: a gap around the base and shaft is normal and standard in the industry.)
- Make sure all surfaces are clean prior to painting. Lightly sand and remove all dust and dirt before applying primer or paint. Fill any visible surface scratches.
- Fiberglass column joints on split columns shall be finished with fiberglass repair kit and painted with high quality primer & paint.
- Use a good quality exterior paint at least one coat of primer and two coats of paint. Oiled based primer is recommended.
- Clean installed architectural fiberglass fabrications using cleaning methods and material approved by manufacturer.
- Comply with manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions for protecting installed fabrications during construction activities.
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